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Creating Work Life Balance

Simple Actions To Restore Health, Happiness & Harmony

In Your Life

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Snow Covered Trees
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I know you desire to have it all. Health, wealth & a life you love.

I’m here to tell you - you can!

In todays hectic world stress cannot be eliminated.

Short term stress, or acute stress, such as striving to get your emails out on time, creating your course in under 30 days, or a project submitted before its due, can help us meet a goal or deadline in a good way.

However, long term or chronic stress - prompted by relationship problems, too many demands, feelings of overwhelm, lack of job satisfaction or social isolation - can cause our bodies to breakdown.

As a result, we may experience illness, pain or dis-ease, or lack of fulfillment in our lives.

Does this sound like you?

Read all the stress books, been to all the stress workshops, watched all the stress videos, but now you’re even more “stressed out” because nothing seems to work for you.

Overwhelmed with always taking care of everybody else, but never finding the time to fill your own cup and take care of you.

Feeling a sense of emptiness and lack of fulfillment, always on the hamster wheel of life, getting nowhere quick and scared you’ll never be able to get off this fast paced ride.

Your kids (and the dog) are in need of your constant attention, and you just took on another project, because, why not, what’s one more thing to pile onto your hectic and out of control life.

The truth is, if mom’s not happy, no one is.

live in purpose & Passion

It is your birthright to do what brings you joy each and every day, and live in alignment with your heart’s true desires.

When you wake up every day, taking inspired action, nourishing your body both physically and emotionally, you build the foundations for a life filled with purpose and passion, and you are at cause for creating your own work life balance.

I knew it was time to change

Woman, relax and camp coffee by river water in morning in summer by lake. Calm, young female person and tea at sunrise on holiday, travel and vacation with hot drink and freedom from camping outdoor

It’s time to lead a more balanced life at work, at home and at play

Meet Laura Tolosi - Your holistic hostess of Creating Work Life Balance

I want to share with you the secrets I have unlocked from the past 30 years of intentionally creating my own life of balance, in a career I love, with a family I am present for, and prioritizing my health and wellness.

I am passionate for all women to be confident in their body and business, nourishing themselves physically and emotionally, without guilt or shame.

I am committed to YOU and YOUR LASTING SUCCESS.

You CAN have and do it all too.

A career you love.

A family you are present for.

A social schedule you adore.

AND balance in your life.

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Creating Work Life Balance

Simple daily actions to restore health, harmony and happiness in your life.

ENROLL Now for ​only $97!!

Creating Work Life


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3:4 Frame with Shadow Illustration
3:4 Frame with Shadow Illustration
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Each week unlock lessons, inspiration, tools and techniques

to support you in the 3 keys to creating work life balance.

In The Moment Balance Skills

3 Keys to

Creating Work Life


Daily Aligned Actions

Fulfilling Life-Long Foundations

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In the Moment Balance


Learn time-tested, research backed techniques to ease day-to-day overwhelm, frustration and work overload.

Daily Aligned Actions

Discover what makes your heart sing, the best way to nourish your mind and body, and include these activities daily into your life to counteract the stress in your life and stay in balance.

Fulfilling Life-long Foundations

Cultivate your sense of fulfillment from your career and life and view challenges that come your way as opportunities, not set backs.

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In this comprehensive, self paced program, you can expect to

Beautiful mature woman smiling

Transform your stress from a feeling of unease to no big deal

Learn new ways to explore work life balance

Regain your vitality & Increase your overall wellbeing

Think clearly and increase communication skills

Enhance your performance, problem solving skills and creativity

Easily learn how to replace the negative thoughts playing on repeat in your head with new empowering ones

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what’s Included:

Video Lessons

Each section provides short, quick lessons, designed for the person on the go, to support you in the 3 keys to creating work life balance

Fillable 20 + pages Success Guide

Your success guide will take you throughout the program providing a valuable area to work through each lesson, take notes, and to put into practice what you’ve learned.

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Identify your strengths and focus on the areas where you want to uplevel to create more aligned, intentional actions throughout your day.

Cheat Sheets & Trackers

These tools will keep you accountable and measure your progress. Often times we forget just how much we have grown, these tools will make it easy to reflect and reward yourself for all of your wins.

Recipes and Menus

Your program wouldn’t be complete without recipes and menus that nourish your body and mind. Included are fast and easy, delicious recipes you can incorporate into every day to fuel your body as well as your mind.

Smiling Young Woman Having Coffee


when you join today the

live coaching version is included ​(>$600 Value)

plus save an additional

$300 Savings

off the regular​ investment​

amazing value




Includes lifetime access to the program plus any updates.

Be the first to know of any upcoming courses, programs or workshops presented by Laura.

Valued over ​$1,000.00

JOIN NOW ​for only ​$97!!

What others are saying

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check out all the amazing bonuses when you join today!!

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Drop Shadow
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Creating Work Life Balance

takes a unique look into discovering

what brings joy into your life,

your social connections and how they support you, daily actions needed to nourish your mind and body,

and then shows you exactly how to weave them all together to create a

life founded in

fulfillment, balance and peace.

Creating Work Life


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Wildflower Nature Art
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3:4 Frame with Shadow Illustration
3:4 Frame with Shadow Illustration
3:4 Frame with Shadow Illustration


Copyright ©2024 • Laura Tolosi Nutrition • All Rights Reserved • Yorktown, NY